Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020): Media and education in the pandemic age of COVID-19

La scuola dell’Infanzia alla prova dei LEAD: l’esperienza del territorio marchigiano

Laura Ceccacci
MI, Ministero dell’Istruzione

Published 2020-11-02


  • digital skills,
  • digital technologies,
  • educational links,
  • kindergarten,
  • training


The Kindergartens faced an extremely difficult time due to the suspension of face-to-face teaching activities during the health emergency. They were supported by Infancy Commission, who published the document “Pedagogical Guidelines”, with indications for maintaining the relationship through Distance Educational Links (LEADs). They were also supported by territorial training teams for the National Digital School Plan (PNSD). The study was performed during a teachers’ training course in the Marche region, to collect data in order to define the most critical areas in distance learning for younger children. It will promote the next course design. Teamwork teachers emerged as a strength, while critical issues were identified, with reference to the DigCompEdu framework, in the areas: Digital resources, Differentiation and personalization, Responsible use of digital.