Vol. 12 No. 1 (2021): Special Issue on Cyberconnection as media culture. Social networking sites, media competence and citizenship

Tiktokers y objetivación sexual de género en retos musicales

Arantxa Vizcaíno-Verdú
University of Huelva
Simona Tirocchi
Università degli Studi di Torino

Published 2021-05-03


  • TikTok,
  • sexual objectification,
  • challenge,
  • music,
  • music video

Funding data


The rise of social media such as TikTok, where short-content takes prominence, has generated a trend of online musical challenges. Songs from the music industry have made way for amateur choreography that is becoming viralized around the world, and replicated in a constant network algorithm. This study seeks to address gender differences and the sexual objectification of musical challenges on the platform. For this purpose, a descriptive and correlational content analysis was conducted for eight popular songs on the platform, in a sample of 400 tiktoks, 200 females and 200 males. Based on the analysis of the sexual objectification of music videos, we applied a codification that collected race and age demographics, followed by interpretative-choreographic factors such as body exposure, perpetration and gaze, decorative role, facial attractiveness, body shape, degree of global sexualization, provocative dress, and sexual dancing. The results revealed a significant statistical relationship between gender and sexual objectification in all cases, except in the choreography and sensual movements, sexual positions and seductive expressions. In the rest of the codes analyzed predominated the female gender. From this group, the exposure of body, facial attractiveness and provocative clothing differed. To sum up, the research introduces a new social phenomenon characterized by the sexualization of its young performers, where gender differences are accentuated perpetuating the media pattern of the music industry.


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