Vol. 12 No. 1 (2021): Special Issue on Cyberconnection as media culture. Social networking sites, media competence and citizenship

Educare gli adolescenti ai social network. Una ricerca esplorativa su un campione di progetti nelle scuole italiane. Tendenze e modelli di analisi

Livia Fugalli
Dipartimento di Discipline Umanistiche, Sociali e delle Imprese Culturali (DUSIC), Università degli Studi di Parma

Published 2021-05-03


  • media education,
  • social network,
  • adolescents,
  • educational projects


The massive use of social networks by adolescents is a challenging phenomenon which created, in response to a range of psychological and social problems, the development of educational interventions aimed at making adolescents more aware, competent, and responsible. The research identifies and analyzes, on the basis of appropriate documentation, 22 educational projects having the aims and scope mentioned above, which took place in the last decade in several middle and high schools in Italy. Through a set of previously established criteria, an evaluation is carried out in order to describe the most widespread methods applied by such educational interventions. Based on the results, a method of analysis is built through critical comparison, aimed at examining the strengths and weaknesses of the examined projects and at guiding teachers, educators and other specialists in evaluating and designing further projects about the relationship between social networks and adolescents, inside and outside schools.