Published 2024-01-29
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Copyright (c) 2024 Maciej Bandur, Robert Borges

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Funding data
EEA Grants/Norway Grants
Grant numbers 2020/37/K/HS2/02779
New Speakers of minority languages are a special case which gives us a unique glimpse into variation and change. In such cases, language change at an accelerated pace tends to lead to profound changes in the structure of the language. Such developments are observable in Kashubian, a minority Slavic language spoken in East Pomerania. For the purpose of this study, spoken data consisting of responses to video stimuli was collected from a group of Kashubian speakers. Chosen morphophonological developments were analysed, especially repatterning and vowel substitution in nouns and verbs, as well as phonemic mergers and their consequences for the morphological structure.
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