Special issues
Guidelines for the Publication of Special Issues in Studi Slavistici
The publication of a special issue is planned on an annual basis, selected from the proposals submitted to the editorial board based on the following criteria:
- The guest editors must submit, at the time of the proposal, the abstracts of all articles included in the special issue, along with at least two fully prepared articles.
- The proposal must also include a draft of the introductory article authored by the guest editor(s);
- Preference will be given to proposals featuring contributions from international authors;
- Special issues resulting from funded projects will be prioritized over those based on conferences or study days;
- No open calls for papers will be issued;
- A rotation of disciplines will be maintained.
N.B. If the guest editors submitting the proposal are not AIS members, they must apply for membership in the Associazione Italiana Slavisti.
Guest editors of an accepted proposal will oversee the editorial process on the journal’s platform as guest editors up to the copyediting stage.
The cost of each special issue will cover expenses related to the editorial secretariat and typesetting services, as well as a contribution to the Associazione Italiana Slavisti. The final cost will depend on the number of articles included in the issue.