Studi Slavistici XXI (2024) 1

The Beginning of an Important Change in Polish Phonotactics

Irena Sawicka
Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences
Tatiana Zinowjewa
Nicolaus Copernicus University of Toruń

Published 2024-07-11


  • syllable structure,
  • Polish,
  • sonorants

How to Cite

Sawicka, I., & Zinowjewa, T. (2024). The Beginning of an Important Change in Polish Phonotactics. Studi Slavistici, 21(1), 89–118.


A change has been observed in the pronunciation of sonorants in Polish in positions where their occurrence does not conform with the sonority principle. It has been decided to take a closer look at this process and begin research on this phenomenon. First, we plan to examine the pronunciation of sonorants in word-final positions after an obstruent, next we will examine them in the position between two obstruents, and finally in the word-initial position before an obstruent. So far, a short pilot study has been published (Sawicka, Zinowjewa 2020), and the pronunciation of /w/ has been examined in sentences read by a selected speaker (Sawicka, Zinowjewa 2023). The present study discusses the pronunciation of r in sentences read by the same speaker. The project will also include an examination of the same material read by a greater number of “average” speakers of Polish, and an examination of continuous material – longer texts, read and spoken.


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