Studi Slavistici XV, 2018, 1

Языковые и литературные контакты восточных славян и евреев в средние века. Итоги и перспективы изучения

Александр Грищенко
Moscow State Pedagogical University; Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow; St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University, Moscow

Published 2018-07-04


  • Old Russian literature,
  • Jewish-Christian relations,
  • Church Slavonic,
  • Ruthenian

How to Cite

Грищенко, А. (2018). Языковые и литературные контакты восточных славян и евреев в средние века. Итоги и перспективы изучения. Studi Slavistici, 15(1), 29–60.


This article gathers all the data on the medieval East Slavonic canonical texts – written between the 13th and 16th centuries – which evidence direct linguistic and literary contact between East Slavs and Jews. Several linguistic indicators of immediate contact have been extracted from these texts: the transferring of the Hebrew phonemes /š/, /ə/, /h/, /ḥ/, /g/, /b/, and /c/ via corresponding Slavic letters, using a specific grapheme for the Hebrew letter ‘Aleph,’ assimilations by voice, and transferring Hebrew -yy- via ž or (which is explained by a Turkic mediation in these contexts).


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