Studi Slavistici XVI (2019) 1
Materiali e discussioni

Forms of Intertextuality. From Quotation to Allusion

Alice Bravin
University of Udine, Italy

Published 2019-06-07


  • Conference,
  • Doctoral Students and PhDs,
  • Intertextuality,
  • Quotation

How to Cite

Bravin, A. (2019). Forms of Intertextuality. From Quotation to Allusion. Studi Slavistici, 16(1), 261–276.


This contribution is a report on the Slavic Studies Conference held at the University of Udine from 28th to 30th November 2018, directed at doctoral students and recent PhDs in Slavic studies and devoted to the topic Forms of Intertextuality. From Quotation to Allusion. The aim of the conference was to investigate intertextuality in all its vastness, and to further the discussion among young scholars by exploring the various forms and functions of intertextuality (from quotation to allusion to imitation, rewriting or translation) in a broad interdisciplinary exchange with contributions relating to literature, philology, linguistics, cinema, music and dance. This report summarizes some papers presented at the conference and examines the main ideas that emerged during the discussion.