Studi Slavistici V • 2008

Проблема жанра в модернизме и авангарде (Испытание жанра или испытание жанром?)

Published 2009-01-03

How to Cite

Лейдерман, Н. Л. (2009). Проблема жанра в модернизме и авангарде (Испытание жанра или испытание жанром?). Studi Slavistici, 5(1), 147–177.


The Problem of Genre in Modernism and Avant-garde (Testing by Genre or Testing of the Genre?)

The article discusses the problem of genre when applied to the experience of modernism and avant-garde. This discussion is especially important because the relevance of this category to modernism and avant-garde is frequently debated and questioned. The article argues that in these artistic trends the category of genre did not lose its significance, remaining one of the fundamental principles of literary creation.