Studi Slavistici V • 2008

‘Московский кинематографический текст’ в процессе обучения русскому языку как иностранному

Published 2009-01-03

How to Cite

Оливиери, К. (2009). ‘Московский кинематографический текст’ в процессе обучения русскому языку как иностранному. Studi Slavistici, 5(1), 179–189.


Moscow and Russian/Moscovite Film Texts in the Learning of Russian

The paper Moscow and Russian/Muscovite Film Texts in the Learning of Russian investigates the potential of cinematic texts as a teaching aid/tool (an issue investigated in Russia as far back as the early Twentieth century). Мulti- and audio-visual media have been found to enhance students’ processes of association and a faster acquisition of linguistic items. Unlike educational films, those authored by distinguished film makers seem to be able to afford language learning-oriented advantages as well as a more thorough cultural understanding; such could be the case of the film Moskva, which was scripted by Vladimir Sorokin. By exploiting a number of distinctively post-modern devices, he manages to build up a multi-layered text set in contemporary Moscow that can be read from multiple historical and interpretive perspectives.


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