Margarita Korzo
External Tradition as a Source of Inspiration.
On Authorship of Kievan and Muscovite Orthodox Texts of the 17th Century. Two examples
The article deals with the reconstruction of the primary sources, which were used by the authors of two Orthodox writings: the manual on moral theology Mir s Bogom (Kiev 1669) written by Innokentij Gizel’ and for the two handwritten catechisms of Simeon Polockij (1670- 1671). In both cases sources of Catholic origin played a decisive role. Gizel’ used the works of the Polish Dominican M. Mościcki (fi rst half of the 17 C.) and Simeon Polockij – the theological compendium Hortus Pastorum (1626-1627) prepared by the Belgian theologian J. Marchantius. Translating the Catholic texts ad verbum, Orthodox authors used different techniques of translation, which helped them to disguise from the Orthodox reader the true sources of borrowings, and to adapt the Catholic writings to the Orthodox tradition.