Studi Slavistici VI • 2009
Materiali e discussioni

Там, за горами... Итальянские письма, стихи и проза Веры Хлебниковой

Published 2009-12-04

How to Cite

Мамаев, А. (2009). Там, за горами. Итальянские письма, стихи и проза Веры Хлебниковой. Studi Slavistici, 6(1), 251–268.


Aleksandr Aleksandrovič Mamaev Tam, za gorami... Italian Letters, Verses and Prose by Vera Chlebnikova The life of Vera Vladimirovna Chlebnikova (1891-1941), a well-known Russian painter and a younger sister of the great Russian poet Velimir Chlebnikov, was closely tied to Italy. She lived mainly in Florence (1913-1916) where she studied at the Uffi zi Gallery. In Italy, she grew into both an original painter and a writer. The House-Museum of Velimir Chlebnikov keeps her letters from Italy addressed to her mother, poems and prose devoted mainly to Florence. Here we present them to the public for the fi rst time.