Studi Slavistici X • 2013
Materiali e discussioni

Riflessioni su <em>Tatczëzna. Literackie przestrzenie Kaszub</em> di Adela Kuik-Kalinowska e sugli studi di letteratura casciuba oggi

Published 2014-03-06

How to Cite

Derlatka, T. (2014). Riflessioni su <em>Tatczëzna. Literackie przestrzenie Kaszub</em> di Adela Kuik-Kalinowska e sugli studi di letteratura casciuba oggi. Studi Slavistici, 10(1), 265–274.


The main objective of the authoress of the monograph Tatczëzna. Literackie przestrzenie Kaszub (Tatczëzna. Literary Spaces of Kashubia) is to elaborate and present the anthropological outline of the Kashubian literature. He focuses on selected (anthropological) points of reference, i.e. leading motives in the Kashubian culture/literature. They are, on the one hand, childhood, femininity, masculinity, and on the other hand, the values which are fundamentally related to the spiritual culture of Kashubia: the native land (tatczëzna, rodnô zemia) and the Kashubian language (rodnô mòwa). Presentation of these motifs occurs in the cultural conditions of Polish tradition. The anthropological outline of the Kashubian literature is presented by Kuik-Kalinowska from two perspectives: in the “local” plane, i.e. in the context of social and cultural phenomena specific only for the Kashubian culture, and in a more general context, by emphasizing its universal aspects. Both perspectives are to show both what in the Kashubian culture and literature is regional, ethnic, own, as well as what is universal, of a general character, often unconscious to the writers. According to the researcher, the variety of themes and motifs of the Kashubian literature indicates its maturity and artistic self-sufficiency, and this puts it on an equal grounds with other literatures.


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