Vol. 13 No. 2 (2022): MEDIA EDUCATION - Studi, ricerche e buone pratiche

Adattamento e innovazione digitale nei servizi per e con le famiglie durante la pandemia Covid19. Dati sulla Regione Lombardia e dai rapporti CISF 2017-2022

Matteo Moscatelli
Dipartimento di Sociologia, Università Cattolica di Milano
Francesco Belletti
Centro Internazionale Studi Famiglia

Published 2022-11-16


  • family counseling centres,
  • digitalisation,
  • families,
  • social and health services,
  • smartness


The paper presents an analysis of the digital change that took place in services for and with families during the Covid19 crisis, through the data of a research conducted in the Lombardy Region with 300 families with children, 48 family consulting services and 50 family associations and through a national longitudinal analysis on CISF data in the years 2017-2022 about the families’ propensity to use digital technology for their needs. The picture outlined by the data shows how the Lombard institutions have responded to the families’ experience, characterized by transversal problems, by activating measures to continue offering their services remotely, through internet and the telephone. Families have often adapted to such new and variable answers that in some cases have failed to satisfy their wishes. Social and health services changed from an adaptive perspective, but do not yet appear fully reflective of the long-term impact of the digital help’s offer. In fact, the post-pandemic scenario of strong digital transformation requires the various welfare actors to strategically rethink support for family relationships and to innovate the smartness, accessibility, and diversification of the help’s offer to intervene incisively in the face of aggravated needs and widened inequalities.


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