Published 2023-12-31
- digital divide,
- digital educational poverty,
- digital literacy,
- intercultural competences,
- mixed couples
Copyright (c) 2023 Stefano Pasta, Michele Marangi

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Since 2021 the Research Center on Media, Innovation and Technology Education (Cremit) of the Catholic University and Save the Children has been proposing to use the new construct of ‘digital educational poverty’, which expands and updates the one of ‘digital divides’. This perspective is the basis of the “Digital Connections project” (2021-2024), which involved 99 schools integrating the fight against digital educational poverty into the civic education curriculum of the second and third year of middle school. Through the survey of the Digital Competence Score (PCD) submitted to 6.415 respondents in 2022-23, it emerges that the results of children of mixed couples are higher than those of children with both parents born abroad and of those with both parents born in Italy. From this perspective, the article proposes a focus on the children of mixed couples, identifying a socio-cultural photograph with attention to technological uses, and theorizes the elements of mutual enrichment between digital and intercultural competences, underlining the dynamism, the need for contextualization and the collective component of such literacies.
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