Vol. 22 No. 2 (2014)

La torre della petraia nel fortilizio medievale. Analisi e nuove acquisizioni sulle fasi costruttive

Published 2016-02-10

How to Cite

Bastiani, I., & Zanetti, F. (2016). La torre della petraia nel fortilizio medievale. Analisi e nuove acquisizioni sulle fasi costruttive. Restauro Archeologico, 22(2), 83–97. https://doi.org/10.13128/RA-17962


The survey work and research carried out in 2010 on the Villa La Petraia, one of the Medici villas in Castello near Florence, led to formulate new hypoteses on the original structure of the ancient fortress. Great transformations over the centuries have modified it and made the villa as we see it today. Through a historical introduction that traces the main phases of the building evolution, the analysis of the survey and archival documents relating to the villa and its tower will help us to comprehend the original composition and role of the tower in the medieval fortification and to imagine the composition of the whole complex, studied by the scientific community since many years. 


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