Vol. 28 No. 2 (2020)

Ostia Antica e le province africane: contatti, scambi, influenze ed eredità. Problematiche di studio e prospettive di valorizzazione

Maria Grazia Turco
Sapienza Università di Roma, Dipartimento di Storia, Disegno e Restauro dell’Architettura
Sonia Gallico
Specialista in Restauro architettonico, Roma, Italia

Published 2021-07-29


  • Ostia Antica,
  • enhancement,
  • Mediterrenean networks,
  • urban landscapes

How to Cite

Turco, M. G., & Gallico, S. (2021). Ostia Antica e le province africane: contatti, scambi, influenze ed eredità. Problematiche di studio e prospettive di valorizzazione. Restauro Archeologico, 28(2), 88–105. https://doi.org/10.13128/rar-9905


The essay is part of the studies regarding Ostia Antica, focused on its relations with African provinces – today in Tunisia – characterized by diversified influences, legacies, and cultural bonds. In Ostia, the intertwining of interests and cultures is also testified by various cults and religions coming from all over the Mediterranean Sea. The present study is aimed at highlighting Piazzale delle Corporazioni (Guild square) urban role: it is a structure built behind the theater scene, representing in ancient times a venue for a community including many different civilizations of foreign merchants, associated on the base of common ethnic or birthplace roots, to find their community trade. It was a meeting place where some North African and Tunisian communities established depots and warehouses to represent main shipping and trading companies from all over the Mediterranean Sea and African provinces: among these, the African naviculari, as Alexandria, Sabratha, and Carthage associations.


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