Vol. 18-19 (2022-2023): Limes-Limites
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Invisibili ma presenti: le domestiche in Argentina fra storia e immaginario (secoli xix-xxi)

Camilla Cattarulla
Università Roma Tre

Published 2023-08-03


  • Argentina,
  • 19th/21st century,
  • domestic employment,
  • ethnicity and gender,
  • social classes

How to Cite

Cattarulla, C. (2023). Invisibili ma presenti: le domestiche in Argentina fra storia e immaginario (secoli xix-xxi). Storia Delle Donne, 19, 313–327. Retrieved from https://oaj.fupress.net/index.php/sdd/article/view/15021


Official sources have long ignored domestic employment, while the arts have represented maids and recorded their ambitions for social advancement, their sociability between migrants and chinitas, and their keeping the habits of the families where they worked, with a critical gaze that, from the limes of their limited spaces penetrates the whole home. This artistic production, analysed here, constitutes an important contribution to the history of domestic employment and the relations among ethnicity, gender and social class in Argentine daily life from the 19th to the 21st century.