V. 17 (2021): Purezza

Casta e pura: la visione della purezza per i millennials italiani di fede islamica

Eleonora Pede
Faculty of Theology of Lugano

Pubblicato 2022-07-26

Parole chiave

  • Islam,
  • millennials,
  • virginity,
  • purity,
  • sexuality

Come citare

Pede, E. (2022). Casta e pura: la visione della purezza per i millennials italiani di fede islamica. Storia Delle Donne, 17, 103–118. https://doi.org/10.36253/sd-13455


The aim of this paper is to analyse the concept of purity and virginity among the Muslim millennials in the West. Young Muslims in a European context address the issue of sexuality with their peers including those of a different faith, through common stories and anecdotes. On the other hand, their female counterparts grow up with the idea that they need to combine “respect with the lipstick”: that is to combine the Islamic values with their life as Western millennials. In order to understand their idea of purity, a sociological analysis on a sample of Muslim millennials has been carried out. This analysis made it possible to understand how Italian female Muslims live sexualities and gender inequalities.