V. 2 (2006): Invecchiare. Donne epoche culture

Quella certa età: l’invecchiare delle donne

Pubblicato 2006-11-01

Come citare

Palomba, R., & Signoretti, N. (2006). Quella certa età: l’invecchiare delle donne. Storia Delle Donne, 2(1), 27–43. https://doi.org/10.13128/SDD-2042


In the article we analysed attitudes of women over 60 towards the last phase of life and the changes perceived in their body and in their social role as compared to when they were young, their expectations towards the family, work ,voluntary work, and hobbies. A survey of 2344 women carried out by IRPPS is used. We also analysed if the image of older women hold by Italian society has changed because the attitudes of the “others” influence the way we live the ageing process and its changes. For this purpose we will use recent studies on TV advertisements and the image of older women they convey.


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