V. 9 (2013): Fuori luogo. Cultural transfer, migrazioni, straniamenti
…e passato

Un tiempo de añoranza y aprendizaje: María de Castilla y sus primeros años en la Corona de Aragón

Pubblicato 2014-02-17

Parole chiave

  • Maria regina di Castiglia; regalità; Corona di Aragona; madre; suocera; María de Castilla; majestad; Corona de Aragón; madre; suegra; Queen María of Castile; queenship; Crown of Aragon; mother

Come citare

García Herrero, M. del C. (2014). Un tiempo de añoranza y aprendizaje: María de Castilla y sus primeros años en la Corona de Aragón. Storia Delle Donne, 9(1), 97–116. https://doi.org/10.13128/SDD-14070


This article deals with the first years of María of Castile as the new queen of the Crown of Aragon, in the period between the deceases of Fernando of Antequera (April, 1416) and Catalina of Lancaster (June, 1418). In the course of this period, the young queen will insist on joining the queenship tradition of the previous Aragonese queens and she will be involved in an intense process of adaptation, learning and enculturation. This work considers the relations maintained by María with her mother-in-law, the queen mother of Aragon, Leonor of Alburquerque, and with her mother, the queen of Castile, Catalina of Lancaster. With Catalina of Lancaster, the young Aragonese queen acted as political intermediary between both Crowns, and both of them showed repeatedly the strong and reciprocal affective link that joined them.