V. 14 (2018): La storia delle donne in percorsi di Public History

Donne del Risorgimento e Public History nel 150° dell’Unità nazionale: appunti su un’inclusione irrisolta

Maria Pia Casalena
University of Bologna

Pubblicato 2019-11-11

Parole chiave

  • Public History,
  • women’s history,
  • Risorgimento,
  • Storia delle donne

Come citare

Casalena, M. P. (2019). Donne del Risorgimento e Public History nel 150° dell’Unità nazionale: appunti su un’inclusione irrisolta. Storia Delle Donne, 14(1), 67–81. https://doi.org/10.13128/SDD-25659


The history of women is gradually integrating with the public narratives of Italian history, political and social, national and local. Public History products that appeared during or were solicited by the 150th anniversary of Unity provide a good test bed. Although the wealth of references or the proposal of entire products dedicated to women appear to be growing and qualitatively evolving, there are still solid and serious problems inherent not so much in the specifics of Women’s History, but rather in the usability of the Italian Risorgimento outside the academic circles. Ultimately, the dialogue between Public History and academic research on Women’s History has started, sometimes already fruitful, but still often neglected or superficial.


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