V. 15 (2019): Donne in rivista

«Feminist Studies»

Ashwini Tambe
Department of Women’s Studies, University of Maryland
Brittany Fremaux
Business Manager at «Feminist Studies»

Pubblicato 2020-06-17

Parole chiave

  • feminist studies,
  • women’s studies,
  • gender,
  • feminism,
  • University of Maryland

Come citare

Tambe, A., & Fremaux, B. (2020). «Feminist Studies». Storia Delle Donne, 15(15), 31–36. https://doi.org/10.13128/sd-9038


«Feminist Studies» is an interdisciplinary women’s studies journal, first published in 1972: the oldest US journal of Women’s Studies. It is an English-language, peer-reviewed journal, publishing three issues annually in print and electronic form. Although housed at the University of Maryland, it is independent, and one of the few academic journals that is not owned by a university press. «Feminist Studies» appeared when groups of feminists scholars and activists came together in order to create a scholarly journal with high scholarly standards. This feminist network believed that the women’s movement needed an analytical forum to engage the issues raised by the movement. This is still the journal’s mission. The title was chosen to indicate that the content of the journal would be both scholarly and political, and foreground women as a social group and gender as a category of analysis. The editorial board about a dozen academics strives wants to embody the feminist ideal of collectivity through shared work engagement and responsibility. 


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