Studi Slavistici XV, 2018, 2

Естественнонаучные и традиционные методы в исследовании Хлудовского глаголического палимпсеста XI в. (ГИМ, Хлуд. 117). Предварительные результаты

Elena Uchanova
State Historical Museum (Moscow)
Michail Žižin
Russian Academy of Sciences
Aleksandr Andreev
Russian Academy of Scienc
Aleksej Pojda
Kurčatov Institute (Moscow)

Published 2019-02-02


  • Glagolitic Palimpsest,
  • 11th Century,
  • Ancient Slavonic Worship,
  • Menaion,
  • Ochrid,
  • South Italian Greek Scriptoriums
  • ...More

How to Cite

Uchanova, E., Žižin, M., Andreev, A., & Pojda, A. (2019). Естественнонаучные и традиционные методы в исследовании Хлудовского глаголического палимпсеста XI в. (ГИМ, Хлуд. 117). Предварительные результаты. Studi Slavistici, 15(2), 5–38.


The article is devoted to the new stage of the Chludov glagolitic and latin palimpsests from the study of a 14th-early 15thcentury manuscript (SHM, Chlud. 117). The method of a multispectral imaging and subsequent software processing of palimpsest digital images allows us to read four pages of this manuscript. They contain services of a small (selected) glagolitic Menaion of the 11thcentury, made in southwestern Bulgaria under the influence of south Italian Latin and Byzantine manuscripts. Unknown sticheras of old Bulgarian writers for the service of Michael the Archangel (8.11) were discovered and published. 


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