Естественнонаучные и традиционные методы в исследовании Хлудовского глаголического палимпсеста XI в. (ГИМ, Хлуд. 117). Предварительные результаты Elena Uchanova, Michail Žižin, Aleksandr Andreev, Aleksej Pojda 5-38 PDF
Where Are We in Europe? Two Literary Maps of the Continent in Renaissance Epic Poetry (Luís Vaz de Camões and Maciej Stryjkowski) Jakub Niedźwiedź 39-54 PDF
Praxis and Logos. The Archetype of Human Transformation in Słowacki and Norwid Marina Ciccarini 55-63 PDF
Opfernarrative der “russophilen” Ruthenen und ihr nachhaltiger Einfluss auf gesellschaftspolitische Diskurse Egor Lykov 105-124 PDF
Volodymyr Vynnyčenko as Diarist, Historian and Writer. Literary Narratives of the “Ukrainian Revolution” Ulrich Schmid 141-154 PDF
Pana Vynnyčenka dozvillja 1918-oho roku oder: Die Kunst der Harmlosigkeit (Panna Mara) Alfred Sproede 155-179 PDF
The Great War and Polish Memory. Architectural Forms of Commemoration and the Myth of a New State Wojciech Szymański 201-215 PDF
Greek-Slavic and Bulgarian. Typological Parallels with the Romance Languages Mario Enrietti 219-234 PDF
A zonzo per l’Europa centrale ovvero escursioni storiche, filosofiche e letterarie attraverso la Mitteleuropa Andrea Trovesi 235-244 PDF
The Gulag and Poetics. The Prison Objective Correlative of Julija Panyševa Giuseppe Ghini 245-258 PDF