Studi Slavistici II • 2005

Tradurre il ritmo del poeta. Puškin nelle “versioni ritmiche” di Poggioli.

Published 2005-12-01

How to Cite

Ghini, G. (2005). Tradurre il ritmo del poeta. Puškin nelle “versioni ritmiche” di Poggioli. Studi Slavistici, 2(1), 81–96.


The poet's rhythm translated. Pushkin in Poggioli's "rhythmic versions"

Renato Poggioli was not only a slavist and a comparativist, but also an accomplished translator into Italian and a specialist in translation studies. In his article The added artificer he enfasizes the attitude of the translator as “primarily formal, precisely because an external formal sanction is the main object of his quest”. In his translations Poggioli pays great attention to the formal aspects of the poems he translates, and especially to the metrical aspects. In his studies as well as in his translations, he admits for brief poems the possibility of a translation based on a metrical equivalent instead of a functional equivalent one. The article deals with Poggioli’s versions of Pushkin’s poems, in particular with The song of the President in The feast during the Plague. For this song Poggioli chose a rhythmic and metrical solution very close to the Russian original: he adopted an Italian iambic tetrameter which follows the same rules of the Russian iambic tetrameter. With this successful choice he broke the closeness of the Italian prosodic tradition. As a real added artificer he “invents a tradition”, gives solutions already abandoned in the Italian literary polysystem.


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