Studi Slavistici VI • 2009

Slavo, romanzo, germanico. A proposito di alcune somiglianze e differenze nello sviluppo fonologico

Published 2009-12-04

How to Cite

Caldarelli, R. (2009). Slavo, romanzo, germanico. A proposito di alcune somiglianze e differenze nello sviluppo fonologico. Studi Slavistici, 6(1), 141–152.


Raffaele Caldarelli Slavic, Romance,Germanic: about some Similarities and Differences in Phonological Development In this paper the author aims at drawing a sketch of some aspects of the early Slavic phonological development, in terms of syllable structure, vocal quantity etc. The natural theory of syllabifi cation is taken into account as well as other factors. He tries also to shed some light on several controversial questions by a brief attempt at making a typological comparison between some aspects of phonological development in Slavic, Romance and Germanic languages. In this frame he discusses mainly some features of syllable structure in Romance and Germanic languages.


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