Studi Slavistici VII • 2010
Materiali e discussioni

Материалы к новому русско-болгарскому сопоставительному словарю “СЭД”

Published 2011-01-17

How to Cite

Първанов, Я. (2011). Материалы к новому русско-болгарскому сопоставительному словарю “СЭД”. Studi Slavistici, 7(1), 213–237.


Yavor Părvanov
Materials for a New Russian-Bulgarian Comparing Dictionary“SÈD”

The article presents a fragment from a new comparing dictionary “The Comparing Dictionary of the Names of Expansive Actions in Russian and Bulgarian Languages”. The main parameters of the new web-orientated comparing dictionary are exposed, the principles of its formation are shown and the paramount connections between the words-matches are classified. The principle difference between the translational dictionaries and the model of double comparison is also shown. The scheme for the page classifi cation is suggested. The new notions and key words are inserted. The real prototype of a dictionary with several key pages is published. The probability of this prototype to turn into the version of the Russian-Bulgarian Comparing Dictionary of a new generation is offered for the wide discussion.


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