Studi Slavistici XI • 2014
Materiali e discussioni

Nuove prospettive per lo studio delle letterature nelle aree di frontiera. Lo spazio del mercato come luogo d’incontro (xix-xx secolo)

Published 2015-01-23

How to Cite

Brogi, G. (2015). Nuove prospettive per lo studio delle letterature nelle aree di frontiera. Lo spazio del mercato come luogo d’incontro (xix-xx secolo). Studi Slavistici, 11(1), 201–206.


Issues connected with the borderlands of imperial or national states and cultures, with the “frontier” society or with overlapping cultures and historical memories have been discussed in depth by scholars of historical, political and social sciences. In literature, mainly in the Slavic areas, the problem has only just come to the fore. Two important books have been published recently, one in in the usa, the other in Ukraine. A. Glaser sees the “marketplace” as the real and metaphorical chronotope of a multifaceted society which lived and produced real chef-d’oeuvres in the borderlands of the Russian Empire. Some typological analogies may be found in a book publihed in L’viv about the “many literatures” in the Galician lands of the Hapsburg Empire. The A. presents the main topics discusssed in these two books and underlines the need to broaden research in this field.