Studi Slavistici XI • 2014

Quelle place pour la littérature bulgare dans “La République mondiale des Lettres”?

Published 2015-01-23

How to Cite

Vrinat-Nikolov, M. (2015). Quelle place pour la littérature bulgare dans “La République mondiale des Lettres”?. Studi Slavistici, 11(1), 247–256.


Considering the case of Bulgarian literature in France, Vrinat-Nikolov suggests that forming a general stereotype of the source-culture within the target-culture may be productive. She also argues for adopting a “foreignising” (L. Venuti), yet not “exoticising” strategy of translation, and implicitly links this translatology issue to the culturological concept of ‘self-colonisation’. Promoting Bulgarian literature abroad should rely on the cumulative effect of efforts by the different agents of the Bulgarian literary field, beginning with a translational strategy focused on recreating a poetics (after H. Meschonnic), which could enhance the appeal even of a literature as unappealing as Bulgarian literature in France.