Published 2023-10-31
- Energy consumption,
- Degree days,
- Monitoring,
- Building Information System,
- Building redevelopment
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Copyright (c) 2023 Francesca Biolo, Franco Guzzetti

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The research deals with a monitoring system for the residential consumption dynamics of urban centres, based on data already available to local authorities (Siatel platform – Sistema d’interscambio anagrafe tributarie enti locali). The creation of the Building Information System (BIS) provides the local body with a tool that provides informed and critical particulars about the energy trend of the city as a whole. By monitoring the city’s consumption of methane gas and electricity over the years, BIS quantifies the effects of all interventions on building envelopes, taking into account both the influence of environmental conditions (degree days) and the actual energy behaviour of residents.
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