Published 2024-10-29
- Urban Regeneration,
- Design-Driven Innovation,
- Service Design,
- Health and Human Care,
- Sports
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Copyright (c) 2024 Stefano Follesa, Martina Corti, Diletta Struzziero, Aurora Piluso

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This paper aims to investigate the connections between sports and Urban Regeneration, and the role these connections can have in the communities of the cities. The promotion of physical activity within urban areas is today a driving force for economic and social development, and intervenes in the fragile conditions of cities. Design, as a discipline of connection between the active components of these transformations, becomes an instrument of inclusion. The interaction between people and urban space is central in promoting physical activity and a diversified community commitment. The paper investigates practices and tools of the discipline in the relationship between urban spaces and sports practices, and how this relationship leads communities to conceive new development opportunities.
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