TECHNE 5 (2013): Environment emergency
Essays and Viewpoint

The Environmental Impact Assessment: a new tool for a new quality in ecological compliance

TECHNE 5 (2013): Environment emergency

Published 2013-05-13


  • Environmental impact,
  • Prevention,
  • Participation,
  • Environmental damage

How to Cite

Lucarelli, M. T. (2013). The Environmental Impact Assessment: a new tool for a new quality in ecological compliance. TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, (5), 81–85.


The growing awareness that environmental protection is a top priority in terms of ethical, social as well as economic, has been determined since the 70's the definition of tools and procedures able to ensure control of the processes of transformation of the territory and environment. Among these, the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) included into the Italian legislation almost thirty years ago as a tool for knowledge and information in support of the "decision-makers" both public and private, is an effective procedure even though complex to verify, in advance, the environmental compatibility of projects and interventions of various types and dangers.
This paper will highlight, through a critical analysis, the characterizing steps within a wider examination, also normative, that draws attention: on the possible relation with strategic decisions on which functions and sustainable activities in the territory are calibrated; on the aspects of the preliminary assessment, necessary for its proper application, and on the results that are intended to achieve the goals of environmental protection at the base of the same.
