TECHNE 8 (2014): Research and project knowledge transfer
Research and Experimentation

Environment as a home to architecture. The Cremona City Hub project

TECHNE 8 (2014): Research and project knowledge transfer

Published 2014-10-24


  • Environmental restoration,
  • Urban regeneration,
  • Technological design,
  • Environmental culture

How to Cite

Faroldi, E., & Vettori, M. P. (2014). Environment as a home to architecture. The Cremona City Hub project. TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, (8), 121–129.


The urban regeneration pro- ject of the former Marketplace area promoted by the Local Administration in Cremona through a two-step international contest which ended in May 2012, relies on the willingness to guarantee new and high standards of welcoming and liveability within a logic of “smart city” to be meant as an healthy, dynamic and economically sustainable city. The promotion of energy policies, the close connection between the urban and the architectural project, a new dimension of welcoming and residentiality, the environmental quality, and the fruition of culture, represent questions to which new project development capabilities intend to ensure adequate answers. The experimental research of the Cremona City Hub project targets these very values.


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