TECHNE 17 (2019): Horizontality/verticality in architecture
Research and Experimentation

Envision the construction sector in 2050. Technological innovation and verticality

Angelo Figliola
Dipartimento di Pianificazione, design, tecnologia dell’architettura, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italia

Published 2019-01-17


  • Models of development,
  • Generative design,
  • Digital and robotic manufacturing,
  • Prefabrication

How to Cite

Figliola, A. (2019). Envision the construction sector in 2050. Technological innovation and verticality. TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, (17), 213–221.


The contribution proposes a reflection on the role of typological and technological innovation in the design and implementation of vertical architectures through the analysis of technological scenarios of 2050. In the Anthropocene era, where the effects of human action shape the terrestrial environment, it is necessary to ask ourselves how we can implement the design and constructive processes to give life to architectural performative models that can positively influence the technosphere. Hence the need to study innovative methods through which to define new design paradigms. About that, the focus of the research is placed on the relationship that exists between computation, digital fabrication and the implementation of existing vertical models of development.


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