Massimiliano Nastri. Téchne e Poíesis. Cultura tecnologica ed elaborazione esecutiva del progetto

Published 2019-11-29
- Téchne e Poíesis
How to Cite
Meoli, F. (2019). Massimiliano Nastri. Téchne e Poíesis. Cultura tecnologica ed elaborazione esecutiva del progetto. TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, (18), 335–336.
Over recent years, also due to the complex normative evolution regarding the building process, the di erent design levels have been the subject of detailed clari cations in the many theoretical and technical contents.
The world of architecture perceives with increasing intensity the need to set limits and opportunities of the technical tools available, according to a methodological alignment to a regulatory framework, now widely spread, defining and regulating quality management of products and processes in many areas.
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