TECHNE 19 (2020): The public space
Research and Experimentation

Sustainable urban regeneration in consolidated cities. Tetuan-Amalich Square, Santander, Spain: Tetuan-Amalich Square, Santander, Spain.

Héctor Navarro Martínez
Architetto, Madrid, Spagna

Published 2020-01-09


  • Urban regeneration,
  • Urban design criteria,
  • Microspaces,
  • Collaborative,
  • Inclusiveness

How to Cite

Navarro Martínez, H. (2020). Sustainable urban regeneration in consolidated cities. Tetuan-Amalich Square, Santander, Spain: Tetuan-Amalich Square, Santander, Spain. TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, (19), 170–178.


The purpose of this text is to analyze a built project, the Tetuan-Amaliach Square. This experience is the result of an urban regeneration project called “Microspaces” promoted by the City Council of Santander (Spain). In addition to identifying other projects of interest in the city, this paper aims to highlight new design strategies derived from the themes and the criteria present in the current debate. These new variables to consider are; collaborative working practices, inclusiveness and security. Through an analytical process, the conclusions aim to include a critical dimension that will allow to underline the issues that require improvements in future initiatives.


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