Typification of Costa Rican Orchidaceae described by Rudolf Schlechter. Species variorum collectorum
Published 2022-04-20
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- flora of Costa Rica,
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- lectotypification,
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The typification of 53 orchid species described by Rudolf Schlechter based on specimens gathered in Costa Rica by Paul (Pablo) Biolley, Juan José Cooper Sandoval, Auguste R. Endrés, Carl Hoffmann, Emel Jiménez Segura, Otón Jiménez, Friedrich Carl Lehmann, Ferdinand Nevermann, Richard Pfau, and Henry Pittier in the late 19th and early 20th centuries is discussed, and lectotypes are designated when necessary. Short biographical notes are provided for the main collectors whose Costa Rican orchid gatherings are presented here. Taxonomical and historical backgrounds are presented for the concerned taxa, and the rationale for their typifications is discussed. Lectotypes are proposed for Epidendrum dolichostachyum, E. selaginella, Habenaria jimenezii, Hexadesmia jimenezii, Masdevallia reflexa, Microstylis carpinterae, Notylia pittieri, Oncidium cabagrae, O. costaricense, Ornithidium biolleyi, Ornithocephalus xiphochilus, Physurus lehmannii, Platystele bulbinella, Pleurothallis pittieri, P. sororia, Sauroglossum nigricans, Scaphyglottis pauciflora, S. subulata, Sobralia pfavii, Solenocentrum costaricense, Stelis coiloglossa, S. cooperi, S. cyclopetala, S. despectans, and S. tonduziana. An epitype is designated for Gongora unicolor.
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