Homalomeneae (Araceae) of Borneo XXVIII – Homalomena bengohensis [Chamaecladon Clade] a new species endemic to the Bengoh Range, Sarawak
Published 2023-05-14
- Chamaecladon clade,
- Homalomena,
- Kuching Division,
- Malaysia,
- Palaeogene sandstones
- Araceae,
- Borneo ...More
How to Cite
Yeng, W. S., & Boyce, P. C. (2023). Homalomeneae (Araceae) of Borneo XXVIII – Homalomena bengohensis [Chamaecladon Clade] a new species endemic to the Bengoh Range, Sarawak. Webbia, 78(1), 15–19.
Copyright (c) 2023 Wong Sin Yeng, Peter C. Boyce

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
A new species of Homalomena Chamaecladon Clade is described from the Bengoh Range, Kuching Division, Sarawak, and compared with the two most similar described species from Kuching: H. paucinervia from the Matang Massif, and H. santubongensis from Gunung Santubong. The three species are illustrated from living plants and differentiated in an identification key.
Boyce PC, Wong SY & Fasihuddin BA. 2010. Studies on Homalomeneae (Araceae) of
Borneo II: The Homalomena of Nanga Sumpa (Batang Ai) – Novel & pre-existing
taxa, and notes on Iban Usages. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 61(2): 269–317.
Hutchinson CS. 1989. Geological Evolution of South-East Asia. Oxford University Press,
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Ridley HN. 1905. The Aroids of Borneo. Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic
Society 44: 169–188.
Tate RB. 2001. The Geology of Borneo Island. CD-ROM. Persatuan Geologi Malaysia:
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Wong SY, Boyce PC. 2020. Studies on Homalomeneae (Araceae) of Borneo XXIV – Two
new geologically-restricted species of Homalomena [Chamaecladon clade – Griffithii complex] from NW Borneo. Annales Botanici Fennici 57: 285–292.
Wong SY, Boyce PC. 2021. Studies on Homalomeneae (Araceae) of Borneo XXVII - A new
Homalomena [Chamaecladon Clade] endemic to the Santubong Peninsula. Webbia 76(1): 83-87.
Wong SY, Tan PJ, Ng KK, Othman AS, Lee HB, Fasihuddin BA, Boyce PC. 2013.
Phylogeny of Asian Homalomena (Araceae) based on the ITS region combined with
morphological and chemical data. Systematic Botany 38: 589–599.
Borneo II: The Homalomena of Nanga Sumpa (Batang Ai) – Novel & pre-existing
taxa, and notes on Iban Usages. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 61(2): 269–317.
Hutchinson CS. 1989. Geological Evolution of South-East Asia. Oxford University Press,
Hutchinson CS. 2005. Geology of north-west Borneo: Sarawak, Brunei and Sabah. Elsevier,
The Netherlands.
Ridley HN. 1905. The Aroids of Borneo. Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic
Society 44: 169–188.
Tate RB. 2001. The Geology of Borneo Island. CD-ROM. Persatuan Geologi Malaysia:
Geological Society of Malaysia.
Wong SY, Boyce PC. 2020. Studies on Homalomeneae (Araceae) of Borneo XXIV – Two
new geologically-restricted species of Homalomena [Chamaecladon clade – Griffithii complex] from NW Borneo. Annales Botanici Fennici 57: 285–292.
Wong SY, Boyce PC. 2021. Studies on Homalomeneae (Araceae) of Borneo XXVII - A new
Homalomena [Chamaecladon Clade] endemic to the Santubong Peninsula. Webbia 76(1): 83-87.
Wong SY, Tan PJ, Ng KK, Othman AS, Lee HB, Fasihuddin BA, Boyce PC. 2013.
Phylogeny of Asian Homalomena (Araceae) based on the ITS region combined with
morphological and chemical data. Systematic Botany 38: 589–599.