Studies on Homalomeneae (Araceae) of Borneo XXIX — Homalomena latisinus, a new species for the Borneensis Complex from Brunei
Published 2023-05-14
- Homalomena,
- kerangas,
- Palaeogene sandstones,
- Borneo,
- Brunei
How to Cite
Sin Yeng, W., & Boyce, P. C. (2023). Studies on Homalomeneae (Araceae) of Borneo XXIX — Homalomena latisinus, a new species for the Borneensis Complex from Brunei. Webbia, 78(1), 29–32.
Copyright (c) 2023 Wong Sin Yeng, Peter C Boyce

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Homalomena latisinus is described and illustrated as a new Bruneian species of the Homalomena Borneensis Complex from shaded damp kerangas. It is compared with the five species previously described for the complex.
Asih NPS, Kurniawan A, Boyce PC. 2012. Studies on Homalomeneae (Araceae) of Borneo
XII – Homalomena tirtae, a new species from Kalimantan Timur, Indonesian Borneo, and notes on the Homalomena Borneensis Complex. Willdenowia 42: 241–246.
Boyce PC, Wong SY, Fasihuddin BA. 2010. Studies on Homalomeneae (Araceae) of Borneo
II: The Homalomena of Nanga Sumpa (Batang Ai) – Novel & pre-existing taxa, and notes on Iban Usages. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 61(2): 269–317.
Engler A. 1879. Araceae specialmente Borneensi e Papuane raccolte da O. Beccari. Bullettino
della Reale Società Toscana di Orticultura 4: 265–271, 295–302.
Hoe YC, Gibernau M, Maia ACD, Wong SY. 2016. Flowering mechanisms, pollination
strategies and floral scent analyses of syntopically co-flowering Homalomena spp. (Araceae) on Borneo. Plant Biology (Stuttgart) 18: 563–576.
Hutchinson CS. 1989. Geological Evolution of South-East Asia. Oxford University Press,
Hutchinson CS. 2005. Geology of north-west Borneo: Sarawak, Brunei and Sabah. Elsevier,
The Netherlands.
Ng KK, Sofiman O, Boyce PC, Wong SY. 2011. Studies on Homalomeneae (Araceae) of
Borneo VIII: Delimitation of additional informal suprageneric taxa for Sundaic Homalomena. Webbia 66(1): 21–28.
Ridley HN. 1905. The Aroids of Borneo. Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic
Society 44: 169–188.
Tate RB. 2001. The Geology of Borneo Island. CD-ROM. Persatuan Geologi Malaysia:
Geological Society of Malaysia.
Wong SY, Boyce PC. 2022. Taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on Malesian Araceae I –
Resolving Homalomena ovata, and a new name in Homalomena for Chamaecladon ovatum. Aroideana 45(2): 543–552.
Wong SY, Hoe YC, Tung LS, Boyce PC. 2013. Studies on Homalomeneae (Araceae) of
Borneo XIII - New Species of Homalomena. Aroideana 36: 8–29.
XII – Homalomena tirtae, a new species from Kalimantan Timur, Indonesian Borneo, and notes on the Homalomena Borneensis Complex. Willdenowia 42: 241–246.
Boyce PC, Wong SY, Fasihuddin BA. 2010. Studies on Homalomeneae (Araceae) of Borneo
II: The Homalomena of Nanga Sumpa (Batang Ai) – Novel & pre-existing taxa, and notes on Iban Usages. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 61(2): 269–317.
Engler A. 1879. Araceae specialmente Borneensi e Papuane raccolte da O. Beccari. Bullettino
della Reale Società Toscana di Orticultura 4: 265–271, 295–302.
Hoe YC, Gibernau M, Maia ACD, Wong SY. 2016. Flowering mechanisms, pollination
strategies and floral scent analyses of syntopically co-flowering Homalomena spp. (Araceae) on Borneo. Plant Biology (Stuttgart) 18: 563–576.
Hutchinson CS. 1989. Geological Evolution of South-East Asia. Oxford University Press,
Hutchinson CS. 2005. Geology of north-west Borneo: Sarawak, Brunei and Sabah. Elsevier,
The Netherlands.
Ng KK, Sofiman O, Boyce PC, Wong SY. 2011. Studies on Homalomeneae (Araceae) of
Borneo VIII: Delimitation of additional informal suprageneric taxa for Sundaic Homalomena. Webbia 66(1): 21–28.
Ridley HN. 1905. The Aroids of Borneo. Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic
Society 44: 169–188.
Tate RB. 2001. The Geology of Borneo Island. CD-ROM. Persatuan Geologi Malaysia:
Geological Society of Malaysia.
Wong SY, Boyce PC. 2022. Taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on Malesian Araceae I –
Resolving Homalomena ovata, and a new name in Homalomena for Chamaecladon ovatum. Aroideana 45(2): 543–552.
Wong SY, Hoe YC, Tung LS, Boyce PC. 2013. Studies on Homalomeneae (Araceae) of
Borneo XIII - New Species of Homalomena. Aroideana 36: 8–29.