Vol. 79 No. 1 (2024)

Supplement to the Rubiaceae in the Flora dos Estados de Goiás e Tocantins, Brazil: Nomenclatural revision, typifications, new records, new identifications, and new combinations

Piero G. Delprete
AMAP Lab, IRD, CNRS, CIRAD, INRA, Université de Montpellier, 34398 Montpellier, France; AMAP Lab, IRD, Herbier de Guyane, B.P. 90165, 97323 Cayenne, French Guiana

Published 2024-03-19


  • Brazil,
  • Cerrado,
  • historical collections,
  • Neotropics,
  • nomenclature,
  • Rubiaceae,
  • typification
  • ...More

How to Cite

Delprete, P. G. (2024). Supplement to the Rubiaceae in the Flora dos Estados de Goiás e Tocantins, Brazil: Nomenclatural revision, typifications, new records, new identifications, and new combinations. Webbia, 79(1), 53–182. https://doi.org/10.36253/jopt-15948


The contribution of the family Rubiaceae for the Flora dos Estados de Goiás e Tocantins – Coleção Rizzo (FGT), published in November 2010, includes the treatment of 61 genera and 245 species. Nomenclatural types were cited in various ways, depending on the information and photographs available to the author before 2008. For numerous names, lectotype designations were not accompanied by “here designated” or a similar expression, which is required by the Internation Code of Nomenclature starting from 1 January 2001, therefore those designations are not valid. Also, the barcodes of type specimens were not cited in that treatment, because at that time, it was not common practice to cite that information, especially in floristic treatments, and also because barcodes were not yet assigned to specimens in many herbaria. The type citations are here corrected, type citations correctly cited with additional information added, and designate lectotypes or neotypes of names that still need to be designated, are deginated. A total of 81 lectotypifications and 11 neotypifications are here presented. A list of names newly typified is available in Appendix 1. Updates of the taxonomic and systematic changes that occurred during the last 15 years, are provided. Major changes regarding generic delimitations, mostly in the tribes Palicoureeae, Psychotriae, and Spermacoceeae, have recently been proposed, and numerous new combinations have recently been published by several authors, which are here included. Following those recent generic rearragements, three new combinations in Palicourea are here published, namely P. leiocarpa, P. stachyoides, and P. subtriflora.


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