Published 2024-09-03
- diversity,
- endemism,
- IUCN Red List assessment,
- new species,
- taxonomy
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Copyright (c) 2024 Hanny Lidetu, Gabriella Hoban, Olivia Lockyear, Aaron Belcher, Vida J. Svahnström, Iain Darbyshire

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Funding data
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, UK Government
Grant numbers Global Centre on Biodiversity for Climate project “Realising the potential of plant bioresources as nature-based solutions in African biodiversity hotspots: Supporting climate resilient sustainable development” -
Bentham-Moxon Trust
Grant numbers BMT24-2021
Taxonomic studies in the Acanthaceae of Ethiopia and neighbouring countries reveal the presence of several previously overlooked endemic and near-endemic taxa. The Isoglossa somalensis Lindau complex is revised, resulting in the description of a new species, Isoglossa recurva Hanny & I.Darbysh. from the forests of southwest Ethiopia, and a new variety of I. somalensis, var. glandulosa Hanny, G.Hoban & I.Darbysh. from montane southeast Ethiopia. Barleria induta C.B.Clarke from Ethiopia and Eritrea, treated as B. prionitis L. subsp. induta (C.B.Clarke) Brummitt & J.R.I.Wood in the Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea (FEE), is reevaluated and found to represent two species, with B. praetermissa I.Darbysh. described from the Tigray region of northwest Ethiopia. Finally, Hypoestes microphylla Nees is resurrected as a good species, separate from the widespread H. triflora (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. under which it was treated as a synonym in FEE. Descriptions, tables of comparison and notes on the habitat, ecology and extinction risk for these taxa are provided. The first record of I. gregorii (S.Moore) Lindau for Ethiopia is also noted and a revised key to Isoglossa in Ethiopia is presented. The endemic Acanthaceae of Ethiopia now stands at 21 species (23 taxa), whilst an additional 23 species (24 taxa) are considered to be range-restricted near-endemics.
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