The pendent species of Anthurium sect. Porphyrochitonium from Costa Rica and Panama: synopsis, nomenclatural notes, new species, and conservation status
Published 2024-09-03
- Araceae,
- Conservation,
- Darién,
- Fila Anguciana,
- Fila Costeña
- nomenclature,
- taxonomy,
- Tinamaste,
- Turrialba ...More
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Copyright (c) 2024 Orlando O. Ortiz, Marco Cedeño-Fonseca, José Esteban Jiménez, Jason M. Hughes

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
A review of the Costa Rican and Panamanian taxa of Anthurium sect. Porphyrochitonium with a pendent growth form is presented here. Two new species (A. cascantei and A. embera) are described and illustrated, and five new synonyms are proposed. We recognize 16 taxa of Anthurium sect. Porphyrochitonium with pendent growth form distributed in the region: eight exclusively from Costa Rica, one exclusively from Panama, and three species endemic to both countries. Anthurium gregneversii is reported as a new record for Costa Rica and the distribution of A. edtysonii is extended from Costa Rica to Ecuador. Nomenclatural notes and typifications for A. friedrichsthalii Schott and A. linearifolium Engl. are included. Information about geographic distribution and habitat, conservation assessments, phenology, and taxonomic comments are provided, along with a dichotomous key to identify the species.
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