Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022)
Original Research Article

What do women like? A quantitative study of the female behavior of sparkling wines consumers

Miriam de Oliveira Dornelles
IFRS – Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre
Cláudio Vinícius Silva Farias
IFRS – Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre
Shana Sabbado Flores
IFRS – Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul, Bento Gonçalves

Published 2022-09-27


  • Brazil,
  • consumer behavior,
  • purchasing decision,
  • gender

How to Cite

de Oliveira Dornelles, M., Silva Farias, C. V., & Sabbado Flores, S. (2022). What do women like? A quantitative study of the female behavior of sparkling wines consumers. Wine Economics and Policy, 11(2), 31–40. https://doi.org/10.36253/wep-10416


The purpose of this paper is to investigate the purchase process of the sparkling wines female consumers, in order to understand the variables that influence the purchase process of this product. The consumer behavior in the purchase decision process is one important topic of the marketing studies, to the extent that it helps to explain how decisions are made and what elements determine them, it can support strategic marketing decisions. The importance of gender segmentation has been highlighted in several studies; in addition, women have made most purchases and their influence in purchase decision has been highlighted. This study uses data from a survey carried out on a representative sample of 1,003 female consumers from Brazil. It was used a five levels Likert scale; Independent tests and correspondence analyses were performed. The study could identify the five main factors influencing the choice. Also, the results contribute to elucidate points such as confidence to choose and consumption occasions and contexts.


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