Published 2024-10-14
- wine industry,
- blockchain,
- SMEs,
- Case study
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Copyright (c) 2024 Livio Cricelli, Roberto Mauriello, Serena Strazzullo

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Modern blockchain-based product tracking systems have the potential to revolutionize the agrifood industry, ensuring transparency and accountability. The need to comply with stringent regulations and contrast frauds makes applications in the wine industry particularly relevant. However, recent studies suggest that the adoption of blockchain in the wine industry presents unique complexities and opportunities. Adopting a multiple case study approach, this paper uses data from 16 SMEs in the Italian wine industry to provide a comprehensive overview of the drivers and challenges of blockchain adoption in the wine industry. Furthermore, this study extends the literature by identifying the key requirements of a blockchain system that meets the needs of SMEs in the wine industry. This study contributes to the literature through the identification of 8 fundamental challenges and drivers of blockchain adoption in the wine industry, including companies’ lack of familiarity with the technology, lack of technological skills, the importance of management vision and partnerships with technology providers. The results also clearly highlight the need to develop blockchain systems combining supply chain management and marketing objectives. Finally, this study provides useful practical implications, which can guide wineries and governments to promote the adoption of blockchain in the wine industry.
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