Innovation capacity of Brazilian wineries: an integrated approach using the fuzzy Delphi and random forest methods
Published 2025-01-22
- innovation,
- competitiveness,
- sustainability,
- research and development,
- viticulture
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Copyright (c) 2024 Luis Felipe, Deoclécio, Clarissa
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The innovation capacity of organizations, especially in the competitive Brazilian wine industry, is crucial for their performance and competitiveness. This study aimed to identify and validate metrics for assessing the innovation capacity of Brazilian wineries through a two-stage research process. Initially, a systematic literature review was conducted via Scopus and Web of Science. This was followed by a quantitative analysis involving 44 Brazilian winery managers, utilizing the fuzzy Delphi and random forest methods to validate and prioritize the dimensions and indicators of innovation capacity. Out of 88 potential indicators across 8 dimensions, 50 were confirmed as significant. Research and development, product and service innovation, and sustainability and environmental initiatives emerged as the most critical dimensions, collectively accounting for over half of the innovation capacity in the wineries. Other significant but less dominant dimensions included customer feedback and relationship, emphasizing the value of consumer engagement, and process efficiency, highlighting the role of operational effectiveness. Although not as prominent, employee engagement and training, strategic collaboration, and market adaptation and diversification were identified as crucial for sustained innovation. This research provides strategic metrics to improve Brazilian wineries’ competitiveness and sustainability.
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