Vol 29, No 2-3 (2015): Special issue on Postharvest

Table of Contents


Application of ozone in fresh-cut iceberg lettuce refrigeration
Fernanda Galgano, M.C. Caruso, N. Condelli, S Stassano, F. Favati
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13128/ahs-22682
Influence of edible coating on postharvest physiology ana quality of honeydew melon fruit (Cucumis melo L. inodorus)
Maristella Vanoli, M. Grassi, M. Buccheri, A. Rizzolo
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13128/ahs-22683
Assessment of antioxidant activity of carotenoid-enriched extracts from peach fruits using the new LOX/RNO method
M.N. Laus, M. Soccio, D. Giovannini, E. Caboni, I. Quacquarelli, M.L. Maltoni, F. Scossa, E. Condello, D. Pastore
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13128/ahs-22684
‘Conference’ and ‘Abbé Fétel’ pears treated with 1-methylcyclopropene: physiological and quality implications of initial low oxygen stress and controlled atmosphere storage
M. Vanoli, M. Grassi, G. Bianchi, M. Buccheri, Anna Rizzolo
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13128/ahs-22685
Decay control of cold stored Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan. fruit by pre- and postharvest application of potassium phosphite
Maria Concetta Strano, S. Di Silvestro, M. Coniglione, R. Magnano San Lio
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13128/ahs-22686
Evaluation of postharvest storage and treatments in cut ruscus foliage
Roberta Bulgari, M. Negri, A. Ferrante
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13128/ahs-22687
Postharvest changes in quality characteristics, antioxidant activity and bioactive compounds of peach and nectarine cultivars [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch]
M. Nuzzi, M. Grassi, A. Sartori, M. Terlizzi, Marina Buccheri
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13128/ahs-22689
Ethylene and the postharvest performance of cut camellia flowering branches
M. Caser, L. Seglie, R. Bizioli, Valentina Scariot
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13128/ahs-22690
Soilless cultivation of cherry tomato with gutter subirrigationn and reused substrate
M. Capodilupo, M. Stipic, Accursio Venezia
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13128/ahs-22691
Effect of short heat treatments with a sodium bicarbonate solution on storability of the yellow germoplasm plum 'Meloni'
Maria Giovanna Molinu, A. Dore, G. D'hallewin
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13128/ahs-22692
Effect of film packaging and storage temperature on physical and chemical changes in fresh-cut green asparagus
Amedeo Palma, Mario Schirra, S. D'Aquino
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13128/ahs-22693
Influence of azoxystrobin dip treatments on postharvest decay of second-crop fig (Ficus carica) fruits from Sardinian germoplasm
Salvatore D'Aquino, Amedeo Palma, D. Satta, L. De Pau, Mario Schirra
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13128/ahs-22694
Importance of food labeling as a mean of information and traceability according to consumers
S. Bancarella, Luca Altamore, V. Valdesi, S. Chironi, M. Ingrassia
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13128/ahs-22695
Effects of modified atmosphere packaging on quality parameters of minimally processed table grape during cold storage
G. Liguori, Giuseppe Sortino, C. De Pasquale, Paolo Inglese
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13128/ahs-22696
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