The productivity and environment nexus with farm-level data. The Case of Carbon Footprint in Lombardy FADN farms Edoardo Baldoni, Silvia Coderoni, Roberto Esposti 119-137 PDF
Non-livestock value chains. Lateral thinking for the securing of the Sahelian livestock economies Abdrahmane Wane, Ibra Touré, Aliou Mballo, Cheikh Nokho, Aminata Ndiaye 139-157 PDF
Once part-timer always part-timer? Causes for persistence in off farm work state of farmers Alessandro Corsi, Cristina Salvioni 159-182 PDF
Quality of life and territorial imbalances. A focus on italian inner and rural areas Paola Bertolini, Francesco Pagliacci 183-208 PDF
Analysing the impact of targeted bio-ethanol blending ratio in Turkey Selim Çağatay, Celal Taşdoğan, Reyhan Özeş 209-227 PDF