Vol. 6 (2020)

Language learning through TV: the RAI offer between past and present

Deborah Cappelli
Università degli Studi di Firenze

Published 2020-09-10


  • Affective Filter,
  • Language Learning,
  • Language Teaching,
  • Mass Media,
  • TV Course

How to Cite

Cappelli, D. (2020). Language learning through TV: the RAI offer between past and present. Quaderni Di Linguistica E Studi Orientali, 6, 281–304. https://doi.org/10.13128/qulso-2421-7220-9703


In the past, RAI played a fundamental role for linguistic unification in Italy when dialects were still the only means by which Italians were able to express themselves. In fact, the advent of TV has contributed to the spread of Italian by becoming a real language school. However, over time due to a strong marketing of the offer, its commitment to education has gradually diminished to leave more space for information and entertainment programs. Due to the serious emergency that hit the whole world, with the schools closed, it became necessary for RAI to support teachers. TV brings students into contact with various communication contexts; provides them with many inputs, both linguistic and cultural, which can increase their motivation, their active participation in teaching practice and their knowledge. Language learning TV courses can have several functions and advantages, even if originally aimed at a general audience, they can be integrated into school and academic teaching and become part of the program. This does not detract from the role of teachers as it is their task to guide the teaching of the foreign language, taking advantage of television courses.


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