Vol. 2 No. 3 (2012)
Insiders e Outsiders. Società locali e processi migratori

Figlie dell'era Ceausescu: il caso studio delle interruzioni volontarie di gravidanza tra le donne rumene ad Arezzo

Published 2016-11-23


  • Immigration experience,
  • Vulnerability,
  • Abortion,
  • Reproductive health

How to Cite

Tizzi, G. (2016). Figlie dell’era Ceausescu: il caso studio delle interruzioni volontarie di gravidanza tra le donne rumene ad Arezzo. Cambio. Rivista Sulle Trasformazioni Sociali, 2(3), 103–115. https://doi.org/10.13128/cambio-19454


The following research explores the voluntary interruption of pregnancy (abortion patterns - IVG) of immigrant Romanian women in the province of Arezzo. The study compared fertility, abortion and pregnancy rates and contraceptive prevalence before and after a change in Romanian government policy that legalized abortion and modern contraception. It then focuses on the concept of family planning among Romanian immigrants in Arezzo, where an extremely high rate of abortion appears to be the principal determinant of control of pregnancies. The key questions are: what are the motivations that move the Romanian women to such high percentages to the IVG? What social and individual factors affect this the most? In addition to the individual motivations and socioeconomic characteristics of applicants IVG, what are the social elements related to the migratory experience? The research examines the characteristics of context of the “place of origin” (the socio-political climate in terms of reproductive health) and “arrival” context (biographical trajectories, life contexts, roles, and social relations). The research plan is structured around a multidimensional model, and examines the different elements that have an influence on the IVG question. Methodological instruments used include secondary analysis, survey, biographical interviews, focus groups with consultancy service operators (gynecologists, midwives, social workers, nurses, psychologists and health services managers) and participant observation.